Kick off your shoes & dance! bluegrass, & global roots music from aROUND the world
Sunday Concert Lodging Package
From Memorial Day to through the Fall, the best party in Vermont happens every other Sunday from 5pm - 11pm at Earthy Sky Time, our family farm. Global bands from Africa, Latin America plus local VT bands, Brooklyn Hipsters and New Orleans Jazz rock out at our barn as 500 people dance on the lawn, feast on organic food and VT craft beer. Bring kids, dogs, picnick blankets and your boogie shoes and join the fun at the authentic VT experience.
Book a 2-night stay Sunday - Tuesday at The Wilburton & get 2 free concert tickets
Stay a little longer and add 3rd night for The Wilburton’s Tuesday at the Tent summer cabaret
Offer good on direct bookings through The Wilburton only. Promo code: FunAtTheFarm. Click here for your favorite rooms
Cash bar & organic farm fresh salads, pizza & ice cream
Concerts are every other Sunday and start at 5pm. Tickets $15. Kids and farmers $10.
Click here for tickets and the roster of summer and fall concerts.
See you in Vermont! Call 802-362-2500 for questions.