Healing ourselves and healing our world:
Power Management Weekend
Friday, July 14- sunday,July 16, 2017
In honor of Albert Levis' 80th birthday, Dr. Albert and Dr. Max Levis, assisted by Melissa Levis, the Wilburton and the Museum of the Creative Process team welcome you to a weekend of discovery, discussion, debate, and celebration. The price is $150 per person, plus lodging. Please contact us directly for reservations or for event details. The weekend program is as follows:
Friday night welcome dinner, drinks, and lecture
Introduction to the unconscious: Understanding our universal pattern
Dr. Levis will discuss the new science of the mind, exploring the bridge between physics and psychology, sociology, creativity and morality. Challenging psychoanalytic and neurobiological conceptions of the brain, Levis presents a new model for understanding behavior. Join us to discover the software of the mind.
Wilburton Inn, 6:00 PM Cocktails; 6:30 PM Dinner.
Saturday Morning Yoga
Relaxing and rejuvenating morning yoga
This gentle yoga session welcomes all levels of practice.
Taconic Mansion, 8:00 AM.
Saturday Breakfast
Wilburton Inn, 9:00 AM.
Saturday Morning Session
Museum of the Creative Process Sculpture Collection:
Retracing the History of Love
In this guided walk through the Museum collection, Dr. Levis explores the evolution of cultural norms about power, love, and sex. Rising above the clash of civilizations, the Museum identifies how different cultures deal with conflict in alternative ways, developing contrasting moral systems and social norms. The Museum exhibits liberate morality from being a religious domain by addressing how creativity has a moral structural that is universally identifiable.
Museum of the Creative Process, Wilburton Campus, 10:00 AM.
Saturday Lunch Session
Creativity for Self-Discovery I: Using the Conflict Analysis Battery
Participants will gather for an informal lunch and an opportunity to complete the Conflict Analysis Battery (CAB). The CAB is a self-guided emotional education program which includes drawing, creative writing, and self-reflection tasks. Through the process of completing the CAB, participants will discover their personal patterns of resolving conflict, while deciphering how to optimize these patterns. Art materials will be provided.
Taconic Mansion, 12:30 PM.
Saturday Afternoon Session
Creativity for Self-Discovery II: Healing ourselves
Participants will have the opportunity to explore the relevance of the CAB through presenting their creative work. This interactive session will be a forum for participants to discuss, dialogue, and act out their creativity. Props including puppets, hats, costumes, and instruments will be provided.
Museum of the Creative Process, Moral Science Project Campus, 2:30 PM.
Saturday Early Evening Session
The Gorski Retrospective: Identifying the Pattern
This session introduces participants to the work of Henry Gorski, one of North America’s pre-eminent figurative expressionists. The Museum houses over 100 of Gorski’s canvases from the duration of his career. These paintings are organized as cycles of conflict resolution, tracing how the painter used his art to transform his emotional reality.
Museum of the Creative Process, Moral Science Project Campus, 5:30 PM.
Saturday Evening Session
Moral Monopoly: The Game
After exploring global patterns of conflict resolution at the Museum and discovering your personal behavioral patterns through the CAB, you are now ready to engage critically and creatively. As a test of your achievement, teams of participants will play the Moral Monopoly Card Game together, re-enacting the sagas of civilization from Mesopotamia to Mexico, while working to define moral order and social values. Costumes are encouraged for this epic evening session.
Museum of the Creative Process, Moral Science Project Campus, 6:30 PM.
Sunday Breakfast
Wilburton Inn, 9:00 AM.
Sunday Morning Session
Political Relevance: Healing the World
This session challenges participants to apply the insights they have gathered to the contemporary political landscape. We will address questions such as how do we deal with Trump, how can we build consensus, and how do we defeat terrorism?
Taconic Mansion, 10 AM.